All Entities Must Declare Property Ownership Status in e-Filing for Economic Activity Locations by October 20





The Tax Administration urges all taxpayers to declare in e-Filing by October 20th the ownership status of their business locations and submit verifying documents (such as property deeds or lease agreements).

This information is crucial for the accurate calculation of Withholding Tax and for pre-filling the Personal Income Declaration for individuals.

Every taxpayer (NIPT), for both primary and secondary addresses, must complete or update this information through their personal e-filing account by following these five steps:

  1. Click on the My e-Filing section.
  2. Select My Profile from the displayed list.
  3. In the left section, "Taxpayer Details," click on Address.
  4. In the Main Address section that appears, click on the house icon.
  5. Fill in the required details in the "Object Details" table and upload the ownership verification or lease agreement.


This information must be provided for every business unit, whether primary or secondary NIPT.

Submitting the above data is based on the requirements of Law no. 9920, dated 19.05.2008 "On Tax Procedures in the Republic of Albania" as amended, Article 23, point 1, and Law no. 87/2019 "On Invoice and Circulation Monitoring System" as amended.

Failure to Declare Business Address Considered an Administrative Offense by Law